Our Patriot Ancestors
We are proud of our ancestors who aided in the cause of our great nation’s independence.
The list below shows only the ancestors of members of the Sarah Ann Cochrane Chapter, NSDAR, but there are thousands more who have been proven by DAR members. If you share a common ancestor, or if you have information that one of your ancestors may have aided the cause of freedom during the American Revolutionary War, we may be able to help you establish your genealogical line for DAR membership.
To join the Daughters of the Revolution (DAR), prospective members must be able to prove their descent from at least one Patriot.
If you are interested or need assistance documenting your lineage and joining our chapter, please visit our Membership page or contact us for more information.
James Baldwin, Pvt
Abel Beach, PS
Levi Bonney, PS
Gershom Breed, Cpl
Josiah Bronson, PS
Joel Buck, Pvt
John Buck, Pvt
George Buttolph, Pvt
John Coe, PS
Richard Dickinson, PS
Joshua Dunlap, Capt
Obadiah Gore, Sr., PS
Zechariah Jennings, Jr., Pvt
Israel Jones, Jr., Lt
Lent Mott, Pvt
Joseph Palmer, Jr., PS
William Prout, Pvt
John Smith, Pvt, PS
Isaac Southworth, Noncom
Richard Wallace, Cpl
Job Broughton, Pvt
Andrew Biddle, Lt
Christopher Fort, Cpl, PS
William Kline, Pvt
Daniel Preston, PS
Thomas Smith, PS
Adam Burdick, Pvt
Waters Chillson, Sgt
Joseph Clifton, Pvt, PS
Elkanah Dyer, Pvt
James Eaton, Sol
Tristram Fall, Lt
Joseph Felt, Pvt
Samuel Hadley, Sr., PS
Asahel Hannum, Pvt
Ivory Holland, Lt
Joseph Loomer, Pvt
Joshua Marsh, Pvt
Philip Norcross, Sgt
Simon Patch, Pvt
Raphael Porter, Noncom
Robert Robinson, Noncom
Jonathan Sawyer, Capt
John Sellman, Maj
Hasadiah Stebbins, Pvt
Charles Strange, Pvt
Reuben Thayer, Pvt
Oliver Webster, Col
William Westcott, Smn
Oliver Westover Pvt
Shadrach Winslow, Staff Of
Noah Wiswall, Pvt
New Hampshire
Abiel Chamberlain, Pvt, PS
James Edgerly, Pvt
Joseph Felt, Pvt
Winthrop Frost, Noncom
Henry Gerrish, LCol, PS
Samuel Gregg, CS, PS
Abbe Severance, Pvt
New Jersey
Moses Allen, Pvt
Joseph Baird, Pvt
Joshua Cook, Pvt
Jonathan Hunt, Sgt
Thomas Rockhill, PS
Job Rossell, PS
John Stark, Col
Joachim Wikoff, Pvt
New York
Elisha Dakin, Pvt
John Elmendorf, PS
Christian Hess, Sgt
Thomas Klumph, PS
Petrus Low, PS
Ezekiel Mulford, PS
Christian Myers, PS
Peter Myers, Pvt, PS
Johannes Mynderse, PS
Myndert Mynderse, PS
Samuel Patchen, Noncom, PS
Egbert Roosa, Pvt, PS
Seth Sears, Pvt
Henry Van Horn, Pvt
Michael Van Wagoner, Pvt
Garret Van Ness, Lt
Godfrey Wolven, Sol
North Carolina
John Bailey, Pvt
William Boyd, Pvt
Thomas Bones, PS
Thomas Braxton, PS
Job Broughton, Pvt
William Gudger, Pvt
John Pyle, PS
William Stone, Sol, PS
James Thomas, Jr., Pvt
Christian Althouse, PS
Jacob Artz, PS
Henry Ault, Pvt
John Bailey, PS
Joseph Baker, Pvt
Leonard Beck, Pvt, Drummer
Christian Brillhart, Pvt
Johannes Clauser, PS
Philip Clauser, PS
Michael Copenhaver, Pvt, PS
George Custer, Ens, PS
Jacob Dersham, Pvt, PS
Casper Diller, PS
Peter Dinger, PS
Christopher Eckenrode, Cpl
John Enterline, PS
Daniel Evans, Pvt
Wendel Fockler, Pvt, PS
Gerlach Flick, Capt, PS
Henry Franks, Pvt, PS
Nicholas Greenawalt, Pvt
Johan Haag, Jr., PS
John Haberacker, PS
Matthew Henderson, Capt
John Hoffman, Capt
John Hoffman, Pvt
Peter Hoffman, PS
Jacob Hoover, PS
Ulrich Hostetter, Pvt
John Job, Jr., PS
John Job, Sr., PS
John Jump, Pvt
Jonathan Kearsley, PS
Jacob Kline, Pvt
John Klinger, Pvt
Michael Koiner, PS
Martin Koercher, Maj, PS
Jacob Kuntzelman, Pvt
John Lebo, Sol
Jacob Leidy, Sr., PS
Henry Leinbach, Pvt
George Leininger, Pvt
John Matter, Jr., Sol
John Matter, Sr., Cpl
George Morris, PS
Alexander Negley, Pvt
Casper Pateicher, PS
Pennsylvania (con’t.)
Thomas Ramsay, PS
John Reed, Sol
Robert Ross, PS
Simon Ruffner, Jr., Sgt
Peter Schoffstall, Pvt
Michael Scholl, Pvt
Henry Shadel, Jr., Pvt
John Shank, PS
Lorenz Shellenberger, Pvt
John Smith, Sol
Christian Snoke, Pvt, PS
John Stonebraker, Sr., PS
Alexander Thompson, PS
Peter Trautman, Pvt, PS
Jacob Van Meter, PS
George Wilt, PS
Rhode Island
Adam Burdick, Pvt
Alexander Thomas, Capt, PS
South Carolina
George Dickey, Sgt
William Dunbar, Sol, CS, PS
John Downing, Staff Of, PS
William Dunbar, Sol
Thomas Keown, Sol
William Stroud, Sol, CS
Boston Ollis, Pvt
John Williams, Sol, PS
Eleazer Goodman, Capt, PS
Joseph Little, Lt, PS
Ezra Mead, Pvt
George Parker, Sr., Lt
Isaac Southworth, Noncom
Elephalet Spofford, Capt
Richard Wallace, Cpl
John Athey, Cpl, PS
David Beatty, Capt, CS
Jesse Beck, Sgt
David Buffington, Pvt
William Buzzell, Pvt
Howard Claiborne, Pvt
Mitchell Clay, Sol
Matthew Cooney, Pvt
William Crawford, Col
William Curry, PS
John Dillard, Capt, PS
William Ellis, Sol
Daniel Fagan, Capt
Henry Fry, PS
Henry Goodloe, PS
Pierce Hamblin, Pvt
Richard B. Hooper, Sgt, PS
William Hopson, Pvt
Nicolas Janis, Capt, CS, PS
John Lewis, Sgt
William Ligon, PS
James McDade, Pvt
James McGraw, Pvt
Zacquill Morgan, Col, PS
John Robinson, Lt
James Strode, PS
David Taylor, Pvt
Jacob Van Meter, PS
John Webster, Pvt
Samuel Williams, Ens
Henry Yeary, Sr., PS
Capt – Captain
Col – Colonel
Cpl – Corporal
CS – Civil Service
Ens – Ensign
LCol – Lieutenant Colonel
Lt – Lieutenant
Maj – Major
Noncom – Non Commissioned Officer
PS – Patriotic Service
Pvt – Private
Sgt – Sergeant
SMN – Seaman
Sol – Soldier
StaffOf – Staff Officer